How to help your student succeed!
Benefits of Music Lessons : A nice chart with all the information.
Practice Tips: How to get the most out of your investment in lessons by helping your child practice.
Make-up Lessons from an Economist's Point of View : Great article for parents by a music-parent about make-up lessons!
What does my tuition cover? : Have you ever wondered what all your tuition covers for private lessons from an independent instructor? This article breaks it all down. There is also a chart describing benefits of lessons.
Helpful Practice Tools, Theory and Music Games!
8 Things Top Practicers Do Differently: A very interesting read about practicing!​
MusicLearningCommunity.com: This website contains hundreds of learning games of varying levels, all carefully planned to gain mastery of the elements of music theory, ear training and rhythmic skills in an exciting, challenging environment.
PNO Kids: This site is just for kids—to talk to other kids about piano, listen to the Taz-man, jump to other cool places, time travel to meet a famous composer or pianist, get a great tip to help withlessons, get help with writing piano or music reports or even ask aquestion!
Teoria: This is a great site for music theory.
musictheory.net: Includes quality theory tutorials, and interactive identification and ear training drills in note reading, key signatures, intervals and triads.
Quia: Students can test their music knowledge with quizzes, matches, concentration card games and other activities.
creatingmusic.com: Elementary-age students can enjoy exploring, creating and manipulating music.
https://www.playgroundequipment.com/music-and-movement-activities-for-kids/: Tons of great online games and videos for both kids, parents, and music teachers!